
The Tip Board is updated after every lottery game, so no need to wait until next day to see tips.

It contains tips for the next game or play based on the Draw Date you have selected. The board contains: best sum ranges, best digits, daily plays or picks, and due stats such as doubles, triples, odds, evens, and repeating digits from last game played. If you need detailed information about a particular column visit the Stats section. Always read the Tip Board down or by column NOT across or by rows. The checkboxes are used to filter(remove or add) plays. Example: Let's say you want to only include numbers from the 1st Pos, 2nd Pos, and 3rd Pos then you would check the 3 boxes below the columns. Let's say you want to play numbers in a sum range then you would check the corresponding box.

General Information

You decide what filters you would like to include to determine your picks or plays.

Check the box beside or above the filter that you would like to use when generating your daily picks or plays. Game Plays or Picks are determined by including the best filters. Filters help reduce the number of plays required in your picks. This will give best chance to win with the least amount of plays. LottoBucks has pre selected what it thinks are the best filters based on current conditions. You are free to modify these filters to generate your own picks.

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How Business Rates Are Calculated

These sums have been placed in buckets or bins. The bin (0-3) means the digits that fall in a game play must add up to 0, 1, 2, or 3.

For example these numbers could be 000,010, 020, 101,030,012, and 111. These are the only numbers that fall in the (0-3) range. The chart below shows the minimum number of sums expected to fall in a particular range.

The Actual column shows how many sums in this bin or range have fallen. If the Actual column has exceeded the expected column, Lottabucks does not anticipate there to be many more sums in this range. As the cycle comes to a close and Actual counts are less than Expected count there is a good possibility the sums in these ranges or bins will come soon. These numbers are based on historical data.